Every Business Needs Great Marketing!
You may have the best new product or service in history, yet without a comprehensive marketing plan, and impressive marketing collateral, success will not arrive. Your success results from a total effort that stands out as special, and good marketing is all about emotional resonance. I offer a wide range of personal consulting and design services, and you are invited to call for a free consultation: 626 584 3997 |
There Is A Great Solution To Every Problem
And a good designer will find at least three, but most often there is an ideal concept for any set of requirements. Catchy headlines, hip copy, and the right media won't do it alone. They need to be married with some remarkable imagery that has meaning to your desired clients. Style is less important than concept, but style adds power to the target demographic. Attractive design always works better than unattractive design for broad appeal. |
Most Common Marketing Mistakes
• Selecting the most conservative proposal.
• Shotgun marketing.
• Marketing in a manner that follows another company's successful style.
• Placing limits on your marketing budget of time and money.
• Ignoring professional advice.
• Marketing without an offer or a call to action. read more > |
Comprehensive Marketing Plan
Effective marketing happens with a well rounded plan that may include many different kinds of materials and should include a website. Your visual identity, or brand, should be consistent across these assets. Multiple campaigns and media will work to expand your exposure and return on investment. If you do not have a strategic plan, I would be happy to draw one up for you. |
Service Components
My associates and I are available to help you start a new business, or solve any marketing problems you may face including: Marketing Plans, Identity and Brand Development, Print Collateral, Packaging, Photography, Presentations, Programming, Animation, Websites, and Exhibit Design. read more > |